How To Get 6 Pack Abs If My Body Fat Is 8.48?

Achieving a single-digit body is perceived as a ‘holy grail’ by a lot of men! And why not! It is a direct result of conscientious training and proper nutrition. However, losing body fat and getting six-packs-abs can be months or years-long journey depending upon your body fat percentage.

As we know that target reduction is not possible and you cannot out-train a bad diet regime or takeaways either so to get six-packs-abs, you have to give a big commitment to a good diet and hard work.

Tip: if you are on a fat-loss journey, you can opt for Fat Burners to accelerate the process. 

What Body Fat Percentage is Healthy and what is Risky?

For the men falling in the age group of 20-39, having a fat percentage of more than 25% is classified as obese. For 40 years old men, if the fat percent is more than 28% is considered excessive. Sadly, if you fall into the category of 30% body fat, then you are at heart risk and can suffer heart disease or cardiovascular issues.

Are you confused about BMI reading? 
Well, until and unless you are not a bodybuilder or an athlete—high BMI can be correlated to a high body fat percentage! Therefore, it is advised to consult your GP to get the right reading.

What does having an 8.48 body fat percentage mean?
If you have approx. 8% body fat, then it brings you to single-digit body fat—which is generally the final stop of your fat loss journey. Many people consume Night Time Fat Burner Supplement to reach this point. If you already have achieved this stage, then it is advised the following steps to gain abs:

1. Do More Cardio
2. Exercise Your Abdominal Muscles
3. Increase Your Protein Intake
4. Try High-Intensity Interval Training
5. Stay Hydrated

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